This rare beautiful species has only one hairy-edged leaf but evergreen and as the leaves can last for more than a year it may show two at once. It is very easy to grow in gritty or sandy well-drained soil and flowers from early summer. It produces photosynthetic bulbs positioned to grow in an elevated fashion atop the surface of the medium in which they grow.
Haemanthus like to be planted in well-drained soil and are best left undisturbed in their pots for several years. Usually evergreen but can shed all their leaves if they become dry. The leaves appear in pairs and are semi-erect. The stout stems support the pure white brush-like flower heads followed by bright red berries.
Haemanthus pauciflorus thrives in moist, well-draining soil and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is a resilient plant that can flourish in various soil types and easily forms clumps. However, it is not tolerant of freezing temperatures.
- Planting Time: April - May
- Flowering Time: August - September
- Max height: 15cm