Dahlia 'Nuit d'Ete' is a plant with lush, leafy branches and tall stalks that support striking, deep crimson blooms with long, thin petals that almost look black in certain lighting. This flower is a Cactus dahlia, known for its spiky appearance due to the long, thin petals similar to cactus spines.
Upon obtaining the bulb, it is advisable to cultivate Dahlia 'Nuit d'Ete' in a sheltered container with warmth for optimal development. After the final frost has subsided, move the plant to a well-drained location with ample sunlight and shelter from strong winds. During colder periods, it is recommended to gently remove the bulbs and keep them in a frost-free space for protection.
- Plant Indoor: February-April
- Plant Outdoor: May-June
- Flowering Time: July - October
- Max height: 90cm