The Begonia 'Double Yellow' is an absolutely stunning Begonia with sunset yellow blooms that are sure to brighten any garden. This delicate, but beautiful plant should be planted after frosts as the weather starts to get warmer and should start off being planted in greenhouses or pots in March or April to give them a good head start. They can then be transplanted directly to borders at the end of spring around May. They can be planted directly into borders throughout spring, but may die off if there is a late frost. The plant will then begin to bloom from early summer all the way into early autumn, providing you with plenty of time to enjoy the brilliant colours. These plants stay relatively small, only reaching 30-40cm when fully grown.
The Begonia 'Double Yellow' does best planted in well-drained soil, but are fairly versatile outside of this. If planted in pots they will do best in peat-free, multi-purpose compost. Begonias do well in a range of lighting conditions, although they will do best in dappled to partial shade as full sunlight can potentially burn the delicate petals in summer.
Planting Time: March - May
Flowering Time: July - October
Max Height: 25-30cm