The Spike Hedgehog Box, crafted by Wildlife & Birdcare experts, features a unique design. Made from 18mm larch, it boasts extra insulation for hedgehogs. The box includes an internal wall with a 130x130mm entrance, an OSB floor, a waterproof green felt lid, and four feet for stability. The floor is also waterproof for added protection.
Ensure your hedgehog box is kept dry by placing it on a surface, such as a patio tile, rather than directly on the ground. Keep the box covered with foliage and place the food nearby, but not inside the box. The removable lid allows for easy cleaning.
Include a layer of meadow hay for the hedgehogs to use for nesting and resting. The presence of a hedgehog box is vital for any community garden as hedgehog populations are decreasing and they require our assistance. By providing a box, we can protect them from predators.
- Made from 18mm thick larch, a red wood lasting 20 years.
- Stained in medium oak for element protection.
- Dimensions: 450 x 350 x 200mm