Dahlia 'Akita' is known for its gorgeous flowers. It has lush green foliage and tall stems that support massive, breathtaking blooms. These blooms are a striking blend of reds, oranges, and yellows, with a vibrant golden yellow center and a light yellow edge. This dahlia is classified as a decorative type, with its large, double petals.
Dahlia 'Akita' can be planted in a pot in a warm area and transferred outside after frost, or planted directly in the ground after frost. They thrive in moist, well-drained soil and full sun, but may require wind protection or a stake for tall stems. These plants are not frost resistant and must be dug up and stored in a frost-free location during winter.
- Plant Indoor: February-April
- Plant Outdoor: May-June
- Flowering Time: July - October
- Max height: 90cm