Introducing the Betty Bumble Seed Ball and Activity Set, a delightful creation by Wildlife and Birdcare, designed by Sammy Holman. This unique set offers you a mini ecosystem that safeguards your valuable seeds from birds, ants, slugs, and other garden insects while nourishing them as they sprout and flourish. The seed mix comprises a variety of captivating wildflowers that attract bugs and insects.
Handcrafted with care, each seed ball serves as a welcoming invitation to bumble bees in your garden. Packed within each ball are over 30 wildflower seeds and a blend of husks. These seed balls combine the goodness of wildflowers, peat-free compost, clay, and a secret ingredient.
Accompanying the set is an engaging activity booklet that blends information and enjoyment. Inside, you'll find Sammy's delightful Betty Bumble Poem, offering insights into the importance of saving bees and how we can contribute.